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12 EVE GmbH • phone +49 25 72 93 51 - 0 • email info@eve de • www eveelectronics com • www econconnect de UG1 UG2 Bezeichnung Table of contents USB 2 0 309 Amale on micro Bmale 310 Connection cables Amale on Amale 309 Connection cables Amale on Bmale shell gold plated 312 Connection cables Amale on Bmale 311 Connection cables Cmale on Cmale 313 USB 3 2 314 Connection cable Cmale on Cfemale 316 Connection cable Cmale on Cmale 315 Connection cables Amale on Cmale 314 USB 4 Gen 3x2 317 Connection cable Cmale on Cmale angled 318 Connection cable Cmale on Cmale 317 USB Connectors 274 Micro USB 2 0 Sockets 292 Type B SMT 292 Micro USB 3 0 Sockets 299 Type B SMT 299 Mini USB 2 0 Sockets 289 5 pole PCB vertical 290 5 pole PCB 289 5 pole SMT 291 USB 2 0 Adaptors 288 USB Amale on USB Cfemale 288 USB 2 0 Plugs 286 USB-A Panel Plugs SMT 287 USB-A Panel Plugs 286 USB 2 0 Sockets Type A 274 PCB angled Multiport 2 276 PCB angled Multiport 3 277 PCB angled Multiport 4 278 PCB angled Type 2 274 PCB vertical angled 275 PCB vertical 279 SMT Shell DIP 280 SMT 281 USB 2 0 Sockets Type B 282 PCB angled 283 PCB vertical 282 SMT vertical 285 SMT 284 USB 3 0 Plugs 298 USB-A Cable Plugs Solder Termination 298 USB 3 0 Sockets Type A 293 PCB angled Multiport 295 PCB angled 293 PCB vertical angled 294 SMT Sink Type 297 SMT with retaining clips 296 USB 3 1 Sockets Type C 300 SMT angled short Version 304 SMT angled 303 SMT Shell DIP vertical 302 SMT Sink Type waterproof 305 SMT THT angled 300 SMT THT Sink Type 301 USB4 Adaptors 306 Type Cmale Type Cfemale horizontally angled 308 Type Cmale Type Cfemale vertically angled 307 USB4 straight 2 x Type Cfemale straight 306